Mastering the Art of Responding to Client Feedback on Pricing



As interior designers, one of the most challenging aspects of client interactions can often involve discussions about pricing. When faced with feedback or criticism about our fee structures, the way we respond can not only impact that specific client relationship but also influence our reputation and business practices. Drawing from a real-life example shared by a community member, this post delves into the complexities of responding to pricing feedback and offers insights from various designers on how to handle these situations with professionalism and grace.

The Scenario

A community member recently encountered a situation where a potential client was taken aback by their pricing structure. After presenting their detailed process documents and investment guide, the client responded negatively, expressing that the prices were intimidating. The client eventually chose another designer whose fees better aligned with their budget and even offered to provide feedback on how our community member’s prices compared to others. This incident brings us to a critical question: How should interior designers tactfully and effectively respond to feedback regarding their pricing?

Insights from the Community

1. Clarifying Your Value

Username: sagecollectiveco
Comment: “Thank you for offering your feedback on our pricing. I appreciate your perspective and understand that you are considering various options. I want to clarify that our fees are carefully set based on the quality of education, depth of experience, and operational costs involved in delivering our services. We strive to provide exceptional value by creating personalized and enduring designs. I am happy to discuss the unique benefits and outcomes of our approach in more detail, should you wish to explore this further.”

Jessica’s response showcases a professional and educational approach, where the designer takes the opportunity to reiterate the value they provide, thereby justifying their pricing.

2. Handling Pricing Pushbacks with Diplomacy

Username: azitahekmati416
Comment: “Don’t get offended by clients. Everyone has their own priorities and budget. Very politely say thank you but that is not necessary as we are aware of different design firm price structures. Some higher and some lower. Keep it very polite and friendly. The same client may be back in a year once she realizes what you have to offer. Always stay gracious!”

Azita highlights the importance of remaining unflustered and polite, suggesting that a calm response can leave the door open for future engagements and maintain a positive brand image.

3. Staying Firm on Pricing

Username: alchemists_interiors
Comment: “Blinkers on and stick in your own lane, your fees are what you’re happy with. Thanks but no thanks to unrequested feedback.”

Siobhan advocates for sticking to one’s established pricing policies and respectfully declining to engage in discussions that question their value, emphasizing confidence in their pricing structure.

Broader Implications

These varied responses underscore the diverse strategies interior designers can employ when faced with pricing feedback. Whether choosing to engage in a detailed discussion about value, politely declining to adjust prices, or firmly upholding one’s pricing structure, each method serves different business philosophies and customer interaction styles.


Handling feedback on pricing is an art that requires balance, tact, and sometimes, firmness. As designers, our goal is to communicate the value we bring to a project effectively and to maintain integrity in how we price our services. Whether through education, diplomacy, or steadfastness, the way we respond to pricing feedback can define our professional relationships and dictate the future of our business engagements.

Your Turn

Now, we turn the floor over to you, our community of interior designers. How do you handle feedback about your pricing? Do you have any particular strategies or experiences that have helped you navigate these discussions? Share your thoughts and join the conversation below to help enrich our collective understanding and approach to handling client feedback.

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